Sunday, November 20, 2011

it's happening!

with the help of my dear dad, who put together this earring stand (which i then spray-painted, and added many many nails to)... we're heading to slice of life bakery! well, not immediately... there are a few things to be figured out first. but soon! soon this stand full of earrings, (a few) bracelets, and necklaces will be gracing the presence of slice of life bakery.


it's a huge blessing to me that my family is willing to carry my creations in their bakery. i mean, i have a very creative family, so it's not a huge surprise. my mom will be bringing some of her quilts to showcase and sell. and hopefully my sister-in-law will be bringing some mosaics she made. there are many more talents in my family, but those are just a few that will be showcased in the bakery. except, potentially one day, when my husband and his band (guerrilla warfare - which is basically a family band plus a friend who is now practically adopted) will likely perform their wonderfully eclectic music live at the bakery. one day.

so, for my beautiful earring stand... i had my dad put together the plywood and work his magic so it would stand nicely. i then spray-painted it with a wonderful hammered/textured effect (in brown). then i strategically placed tiny nails all over the board and hammered them in securely! once that was done, i just didn't feel like it was finished. so, i thought, "hey, why not add the name 'outside the shoebox' somehow to this stand?". that's when i found some lace, cut it up into letters and hot-glue-gunned those suckers to the board! after that, i felt it was complete. well, of course, i needed to put all the jewellery on it first!

so, TA DA! here's the beautiful stand that my dad and i came up with:

ain't she a beauty?

Friday, November 11, 2011

getting ready for the big send-off

i'm getting ready to send a bunch of my earrings/necklaces/bracelets to slice of life bakery! my dear family is willing to showcase a bunch of my stuff for me! how sweet of them. and just in time for christmas too! so, here are a bunch of pictures of what i'm sending their way...

earrings galore...

a few bracelets (although i might keep the blue one for myself!)...

perhaps a few necklaces... now they are actually officially necklaces! they used to just be pendants, but i've now expanded from just earrings to necklaces and bracelets as well!

this is everything! i've been busy making doubles of many of my earrings, so i have a good stock. i am LOVING being back into making earrings (and necklaces, and bracelets... haha!)

hope to see you at the bakery (in niverville). and perhaps this will make it easier for you to purchase them, since you could just pick them up while you pick up some delicious baked goods!

more earrings, and perhaps christmas gifts?

Pair 72 - $12.00

Pair 73 - $10.00

Pair 74 - $10.00

Pair 75 - $10.00

CHRISTMAS IS COMING! i know that sometimes for men it can be difficult to find a good gift for their lady... so here's a suggestion! look on past posts of mine to see what's all available! it's a great gift... nudge, nudge. or if you're a lady and you love getting gifts for either a sister or a good friend, consider a pair of earrings!